Great maneuvers at the Wine Cellar with the setting of the 2017 La Livinière vintage. A heavy operation: After racking barrels of Minervois La Livinière 2016, which will be bottled soon, operation steam cleaning of our barrels of 1 or 2 wines that will be used for the breeding of the Minervois La Livinière 2017; and impregnation of new barrels. The development of our brand new barrel cellar is nearly completed and will allow the aging of our first Minervois-La Livinière vintage in our in house new winery at the Domaine. More than 50 barrels to house.

On the road again : nos salons des vins 2025
Janvier déjà, nous reprenons la route : Salon des Vignerons Indépendants d’Angers, 07-09 FévrierSalon des Vins de Limoges, 14-16 FévrierSalon Club des Vignerons Lauréats de Nantes, 28 février-02 MarsSalon Club des Vignerons Lauréats de Toulouse, 07-09 MarsSalon...