2018 Wine Fairs all around France

4 février 2018

We will participate in more than 10 shows during the first half of 2018, a very busy program for Les Combes cachées, which will allow us to travel all around France by the end of the Spring and to make you taste our new vintages … Beautiful encounters in perspective. There is probably a wine fair near you:

Friday 02 Sunday 04 February 2018, Issy-Les-Moulineaux (92)
Tuesday 06 February London                                                                                                    Friday 09 Sunday 11 February 2018, Orléans (45)
Sunday 18 Ma Tuesday 20 February 2018, VINISUD Montpellier (34) professional exhibit
Friday 23 Sunday 25 February 2018, Limoges (87)
Friday 09 Sunday 11 March 2018,  Montélimar (26)
Friday 16 Sunday 18 March 2018, Lyon Eurexpo (69)
Friday 23 Monday 26 March 2018, Paris Porte de Champerret (75)
Friday 06 Sunday 08 April 2018,  Seynod (74)
Friday 13 Sunday 15 April 2018, La Baule (44)
S21 D22 April 2018, Saint Gence (87)
S05 May, Fourquevaux (31)
Invitations on request lescombescachees@gmail.com

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